Walter’s Story

We thought we would introduce you to our Quality Inspector Walter, he is Chief Pawduct tester and the main reason we started All you need is Woof.  Walter is a 6 year old Vizsla x Dalmatian who has always struggled with the food he has eaten.  Whether that’s because he just doesn’t fancy it, the size of the treats are too big or that he is reacting to the ingredients because of allergies.  

Walter can be extremely fussy with his food, if the pieces are too big he will leave it if you don’t break it up for him, or if there is nothing added to his kibble he just won’t eat.  I have been told several times dogs can’t really taste food, but Walter can certainly taste and tell the difference with his food, he is definitely a fussy eater. We have even resorted to trialling different foods, spoon feeding him, scattering it around the room to make it more fun, you name it we have tried it at some point.  Now, we give him a mixture of kibble, raw meat and vegetables and he woofs it.  The vegetables not so much but mixed in with the meat and kibble it gets eaten and it’s really good for him.

Our biggest challenge with Walt has always been his allergies.  It has taken us a long time to get to the bottom of them and unfortunately for Walt he has had to suffer and continues to do so as a result of them.  Walter can often get a rash all over his body, especially on his belly which is worse during the summer months.  Recently, he had a reaction that caused his nose and lips to swell, a rash all over his body, blisters that did eventually become dry and scabby, not to mention painful and itchy.  He has had to have parts of his ears removed due to Prolifertive vasculitis of the Pinnae caused by allergies, and is currently under going treatment again because he allergies are flaring up.  He regularly ends up on steroids and antibiotics, and if we aren’t careful with it he could end up having some more of the end of his ear removed.  Add in to that the constant licking, itching and scratching he does.  It just isn’t fair for him.  Some of his allergies are difficult to avoid such as grass and dust and we do what we can to minimise it.  But we can and have done something about his diet.

We have seen several specialists in an attempt to understand his needs and make sure we give him the best possible care.  He is our furbaby and we hate to see him suffer.  As a Hooman with lots of allergies myself I know how horrible it can be.  Me and Walt actually have 3 of the same allergies, he was definitely meant to be in our family.  So, after 2 years of testing and trialling different diets, including 4 months of just ostrich and sweet potato, reintroducing foods etc we found out his sentivities.  He has had to have lots of medications to combat his allergies and all we want to do is make it easier for him, but also let him enjoy some foods and have treats that are safe for him.

That’s why we decided to start All you need is Woof.  Our aim is to make sure every dog can be spoilt and have tasty treats that excite them no matter what their sensitivity’s are.  

We have had a great response so far, so many of you are asking for custom boxes and we woof to help.  Trixie was one of our first custom order and this is the feedback we got from her Mum.

‘Hiya, just wanted to say Trixie absolutely adores her treats! She hasn’t had 1 reaction or skin flare with any of them either! I’m so made up they make her so happy. You’re so talented 😃🙌🏻 She is acting like a Puppy again, so excited and happy.’

Thank you so much Victoria for your feedback, this is honestly the best part about what we do.  Knowing that we have been able to make your Woof happy and able to enjoy treats again is just Pawsome to us 🐾 

If you have a woof with sensitivities get in touch we woof to help.

Thank you for reading Walt’s story.

Natalie & Walter 🐾